Spiritual views on religion | Religion of humanity

Yogesh Maurya
Namaskaram, I hope you all are healthy and doing well in your life.

The topic we are going to discuss today is religion. We all keep thinking about religion. Someone talks about one's own religion or someone talks about another's religion. Discussions continue on someone's wrongdoing. There is no one among us who does not consider religion.

But what exactly is religion? Have we ever understood religion fundamentally? 

Religion here refers not to religious texts or beliefs, but to our duties. You must have experienced that as soon as we ask a question on someone, then the person in front immediately says that they should follow their religion first and then raise a question mark on someone. That is, he wants to say that first do your work properly and then accuse others of not working.

We often demand each other not to live up to his religion without knowing what religion really is? How much and what role does he play in our lives? What religion does a person have towards society? Or what religion does a husband and wife have towards each other? Or what religion does a son and father have towards each other? Or how many forms of religion can there be?
Although there are many aspects of religion, but the most important thing about religion is that religion talks about making everyone responsible. Therefore, whoever is in this world has his own religion. To understand this, let us take some examples - such as the religion of the tree is to provide shade, fruit and pure air (vital oxygen). The religion of the river is to flow as a living water. Rain is the religion of clouds. The religion of the Sun is to provide light and energy.

Similarly, the religion of man is to be lending and virtuous. That is, the only religion of man is the behavior of generosity towards the mere creature. That is why virtue is given more importance than karma in India. That is why religion is our virtue, because virtue includes karma, religion, policy and knowledge.
By the way, there are many forms and types of religion. But basically religion makes us realize humanity. Even going on our own religion, suffering is tenacity and life. Because religion is not just about a particular book or the instructions mentioned in it, but good behavior, virtue. So everything that we do, which does not harm anyone, which includes the interest of the whole world, is called religion.

Maharishi Vyas Muni has said in his verse -

संक्षेपात् कथ्यते धर्मो जनाः किं विस्तरेण वः।
परोपकारः पुण्याय पापाय पर-पीडनम्।।
Sanchhepaat Kathyate Dharmo Janah kim vistren vah,
Paropkarah Punyay Papay Par-Peednamm.

That means, O men! In short, we tell you the essence of religion. To do charity is virtue and religion. And to torment others is sin.
In the end, you are requested to meditate, contemplate and ponder over it.


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धर्म पर आध्यात्मिक विचार | मानवता का धर्म

नमस्कार, मुझे आशा है कि आप सभी स्वस्थ होंगे और अपने जीवन में अच्छा कर रहे होंगे।
आज हम जिस विषय पर चर्चा करने वाले हैं वो है धर्म। धर्म के विषय में हम सब विचार करते रहते हैं। कोई अपने ही धर्म के विषय में बात करता है या कोई अन्य के धर्म के विषय में विचार करता है। किसी के अधर्म को लेकर चर्चाएं होती ही रहती हैं। हम में से कोई भी ऐसा नहीं है जो धर्म के विषय पर विचार ना करता हो।

किंतु वास्तव में धर्म क्या है? क्या कभी हम धर्म को मूल रूप से समझ पाए हैं? यहां धर्म का तात्पर्य धार्मिक ग्रंथों या मान्यताओं से नहीं, बल्कि हमारे कर्तव्यों से है। आपने यह अनुभव अवश्य किया होगा कि जैसे ही हम किसी पर कोई प्रश्न करते हैं तब सामने वाला व्यक्ति तुरंत ही कहता है कि पहले अपना धर्म निभाओ उसके बाद किसी पर प्रश्नचिन्ह उठाना। अर्थात वो कहना चाहता है कि पहले अपना काम ठीक से करो फिर दूसरों पर कार्य न करने का आरोप लगाओ।

हम अक्सर एक-दूसरे पर उसके धर्म पर खरे ना उतरने की मांग करते हैं बिना ये जानें कि धर्म वास्तव में क्या है? उसकी हमारे जीवन में कितनी और क्या भूमिका है? एक व्यक्ति का समाज के प्रति क्या धर्म होता है? या एक पति तथा पत्नी का एक-दूसरे के प्रति क्या धर्म होता है? या एक पुत्र तथा पिता का एक-दूसरे के प्रति क्या धर्म है? या धर्म के कितने स्वरूप हो सकते हैं?

वैसे तो धर्म के अनेक पहलू हैं लेकिन सबसे खास बात धर्म की ये है कि धर्म सबको जिम्मेदार बनाने की बात करता है। इसलिए जो कोई भी इस संसार में है उसका अपना एक धर्म होता है। इसे समझने के लिए चलिए हम कुछ उदाहरण लेते हैं-जैसे पेड़ का धर्म है छाया, फल तथा शुद्ध वायु (प्राण दायनी ऑक्सीजन गैस) प्रदान करना। नदी का धर्म है जीवनदायी जल बनकर बहते रहना। बादलों का धर्म है जल बरसाना। सूर्य का धर्म है प्रकाश तथा उर्जा प्रदान करना।

इसी प्रकार मनुष्य का धर्म है उधार तथा सदाचारी होना। अर्थात मनुष्य का एकमात्र धर्म है, प्राणी मात्र के प्रति उदारता का व्यवहार। इसीलिए भारत में कर्म से अधिक महत्व सदाचार (virtue) को दिया गया है। इसलिए हमारा सदाचारी होना ही धर्म है, क्योंकि सदाचार में कर्म, धर्म, नीति तथा ज्ञान सब शामिल है।

वैसे तो धर्म के कई स्वरूप तथा प्रकार होते हैं। परंतु मूल रूप से धर्म हमें मानवता का बोध कराता है। यहां तक की अपने धर्म पर चलते हुए कष्ट सहना ही तप और जीवन है। क्योंकि धर्म का आशय केवल किसी पुस्तक विशेष या उसमें अंकित निर्देशों से नहीं बल्कि सदव्यवहार, सदाचार से है। तो हर वो चीज जो हम करते हैं,जिससे किसी का भी अहित ना हो, जिसमें समस्त संसार का हित सम्मिलित हो, उसे ही धर्म कहा जाता है।

महर्षि व्यास मुनि ने अपने श्लोक में कहा है-

संक्षेपात् कथ्यते धर्मो जनाः किं विस्तरेण वः।
परोपकारः पुण्याय पापाय पर-पीडनम्।।

अर्थात हे मनुष्यों! संक्षेप में हम तुम्हें धर्म का सार बताते हैं। परोपकार करना ही पुण्य कर्म तथा धर्म है। और दूसरों को पीड़ा देना ही पाप अर्थात अधर्म है।
अंत में आपसे निवेदन है कि आप इस पर मनन, चिंतन, तथा विचार अवश्य कीजिएगा।


How to manage anger | Control anger outbursts

Yogesh Maurya
Namaskaram, I hope you all are healthy and doing well in your life.
The topic we will talk about today is anger. Anger is a feeling that surrounds our entire lives. Anger has neither the dignity of knowledge nor the age. No one knows when, where, and for what reason causes anger within us.

When anger is born within us, then immediately our thinking power is lost and darkness falls on our intellect. Our very old and deep relationships also break in a moment due to anger. Our whole life and our relationships get shattered.
For more clarity, you can see in a jail that most of the criminals will be seen to bear the penalty of their moment's anger. But still we are not able to control our anger. Again and again we pledge not to be angry, but again and again we become angry. And gradually after a long time, anger gets ingrained in our habits.

To understand all these confusing things, we have to get answers to some questions like - 

What is this anger really? After all, why does anger take birth? And why is anger not under control?

Although we can understand the answers to all the above questions on many levels, but we will try to understand it with an example. You see a child. He responds when he wants something and at that time if he does not get that thing or if someone intimidates him. The child's response is anger. Because the child is weak and helpless, through anger, he tries to make his elders realize their existence and deserve their own existence.
Now think to yourself that we don't do this even when we grow up? Is anger not the reaction of a child sitting within us? That is, is anger not really just child-like behavior?
See, when our ego is injured or when we are afraid or when we do not get something, then we get angry just like a child. And we know very well that anger and stubbornness adorns children and does not suit elders. But still we do not stop rage like a child.

We know from experience and by looking at others we can tell that nothing is ever achieved by anger. Whether it is respect or property or love or security, none of these things comes from anger. We get all this through our efforts and due consideration.

We only live according to our habits. That is why anger also becomes our habit. We do not stop our reactions even when we want. We consider ourselves as big or capable, but the child within us becomes angry with little reason. That is, anger is really nothing but the name of our child intellect.

If you just keep in mind that you are not a child, childlike behavior does not suit you. Then you will definitely see that your anger is destroyed by itself.
Also, whenever you have anger in your heart, at that moment if you consider the ill effects of anger instead of reacting to anger, then you can definitely control your anger.
Please consider all these things, think, contemplate.

Thank you!

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Condemning is critically not criticism

Yogesh Maurya
Namaskaram, I hope you all are healthy and doing well in your life.
Condemnation and Criticism
In today's article, we will talk about condemnation and criticism. Because in my experience many people are not clear about condemnation and criticism.

See, it is written in the scriptures and, saints and many thinkers have always said that condemnation is a big problem and defect. Because of condemnation not only the love to a person and society is destroyed but also the truth of our own soul is destroyed. And we know that the destruction of truth has been considered the biggest problem and the biggest curse.

Now surely a question must be coming in your mind- 

how can truth be destroyed by condemnation?

See, first of all we have to understand that what is condemnation? What is the real meaning of condemnation? Perhaps you may think that if we do not like someone's work, then criticizing it can be called condemnation.

 But in reality it is not so at all. Because we all have the right to criticize. Rather, criticism is the responsibility of all of us. Because criticism only cleanses society. And the person who criticizes also has to work hard to prove his point to be true and he may have to explain his point on many levels. As a result, the person criticizing also becomes strong and influential from within himself over time.
Then the question is- 

What is the difference between criticism and condemnation?

See, criticism is always about a person's work, whereas condemnation is about a person's personality. The purpose of criticism is to push someone forward, but the purpose of condemnation is to pull someone back. Behind condemnation are expressions of hatred and criticism is followed by feelings of compassion.

'That person did wrong.' - It is criticism to say.
'That person is wrong.' - It is blasphemous to say.

We need to think deeply about this. Because any human being can change at any time. Today a person doing wrong and unfair can also become a monk or a gentleman tomorrow. You already know many examples of this.
We have to understand that someone's mistake or any inappropriate act of someone becomes the dirt of his soul, the dirt is not the quality of that cloth. That is, it is not bad to see fault in someone's work but it is unfair to see fault in someone. Because to see or show defects in a person's personality or existence is called condemnation.

Also, it is not necessary to give proof of condemnation. Because the evil of an action can be shown but it is not easy to show the good or evil of the soul. This is why we have great fun condemning someone. By proving someone bad, we prove ourselves good in our own mind. And we do not have to work hard to be good and do good.

See, condemnation gives pleasure to our ego. This is why we get addicted to condemnation while condemning. But we must think about what harm we have from condemnation.

When we become a habit of condemnation, we start resorting to more and more untruths. Due to which, the truth is slowly destroyed from our heart. In addition, condemnation has both effects. The reputation of the one we condemn decreases. And the soul of the slanderer breaks.
In the end, I just request you to think, meditate, contemplate all these subjects.

Thank you.