Personality Development: #1 How to Develop Your Personality and Character?

Yogesh Maurya

Namaskaram, I hope you all are healthy and doing well in your life.

Today's article is related to our basic nature i.e. the development of human personality which is inspired by the book 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda volume-9' written by Swami Vivekananda.

 What is Personality?

Personality, a word that can mean different things to all of us, but actually seeing it as just one word is a little difficult to understand deeply.

According to the Cambridge International Dictionary of English, 'your personality is the type of person you are, which is shown by the way you behave, feel and think.' Personality, according to the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, is the 'whole nature or character of a person.' Personality, according to Google, is 'The combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character.'

How a person behave, feels and thinks, how he conducts himself in a given set of circumstances is largely determined by the state of mind. Mere external appearance or a person's speech or mannerisms are only fringes of one's personality. They do not reflect the real personality. Personality development in the real sense refers to deeper levels of a person. So a study of our personality should start from a clear sense of the nature of our mind and how it functions.

How to know our mind?

We intend to do many things- make resolutions to develop good habits, to kick certain bad habits, to study with concentration, to do something with a concentrated mind. Very often our mind rebels, forcing us to beat a retreat from our efforts at implementing our resolution. " A book is open before us, and our eyes are open. But the mind has started wandering, thinking about some past events or some future plans."

According to Bhagavad-Gita, the undisciplined mind acts as our enemy, whereas a trained mind acts as our friend. So we need to have a clear Idea of the mechanism of our mind. Can we train it to cooperate with us? How can it contribute to the development of our personality?

The fourfold functions of the mind:

The human mind has four basic functional names- Chitta(memory or subconscious mind), Manas(deliberation and conceptualization), Buddhi(determination and decision-making) and Ahamkara('I' consciousness). It is same mind called by different names based on its functions. The Manas is representing  the sense organs (ears, skin, eyes, tongue and nose) that give the knowledge of objects in the world. If the sense organs are not disciplined, and if the power of discrimination lies dormant, one cannot reach the goal of human life.

If the buddhi is wide awake, and if the sensory system together with the mind is disciplined and controlled, a human being can reach the goal of his life. Another important activity of the mind that concerns personality development is our emotions. If more the emotions are under control, healthier becomes one's personality. Emotions can be broadly classified into two types, attraction and repulsion. Love, admiration, aspirations, sympathy, joy, veneration, pride etc. indicate attraction. Hate, anger, fear, sorrow, jealousy, disgust, shame, etc., are the nature of repulsion. As long as one is entangled with the undisciplined mind, one's personality does not really develop. Buddhi serves as an effective instrument of self-development by controlling the emotions and raising the higher self from the hold of the lower mind.

What is character?

Every action and thought of our leaves an impression in our mind. These impressions determine how we behave at a given moment, how we respond to a given situation. The sum total of all our impression is what determines our character. The past has determined the present. Even so the present- our present thoughts and actions- will shape our future. This is a key principle governing personality development.

Strengthening of will-power and the essence of personality development:

The core of our personality is covered, by five dimensions-

  • Physical dimension consisting of our body and science.
  • Energy dimension which performs digestion of foods, circulation of blood, respiration and other activities in the body.
  • Mental dimension characterized by the activities of mind, like, thinking, feeling and emotion etc.
  • Intellectual dimension characterized by the determinative faculty in a person. This is also the seat of discrimination and will-power.
  • Blissful dimension experienced as bliss during deep sleep.

Personality development implies progressive identification with higher dimensions of personality. Thus a person identified only with the physical dimension without exercising his higher mental faculties, lives.

Development involves struggle with one's lower mind characterized by desires, old habits, wrong tendencies, impulses, and bad impressions. This involves struggle to grapple with one's mind and its old habits, to cultivate new and wholesome ones. But this struggle is the greatest of all struggle in that it makes us civilized in a real sense of the term by manifesting our divinity and thereby our hidden perfection.

Some essential qualities for personality development:

Faith in youself: If you believes that your real nature is the spirit- not the body or the mind then you would be a better individual with strong character.
Think Positive Thoughts: Positive thoughts based on our inherent divinity are essential for a strong character. Go on doing good, thinking good thoughts continuously, that is the only way to suppress base impressions... Character is repeated habits and repeated habits alone can reform character. Furthermore, the only sin is to think of oneself and others as weak.
Attitude towards Failure and Mistakes: If you appreciated committing mistakes and learning from them rather than leading an inert existence like a wall then your personality becomes more effective.
Self-reliance: We are the maker of our own destiny. We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves.
Renunciation and Service: Selfless service is a paramount means to character development. This, coupled with renunciation of selfishness and desire for the fruits of action.

A noble character and developed personality will ensure excellence in one's chosen field, and contribute to individual and national development.